Bonjour à tous,

Nous souhaitons répondre à l’article récent qui nous accuse de sexisme et de mauvaise foi concernant la représentation de la marque d’Aurore Casanova au Sacré Bistro. Cet article, en plus d’être outrageusement diffamatoire, est totalement dépourvu de vérifications factuelles.

Contrairement aux accusations sans fondement de l’auteure, le nom “Casanova-Robinet” avait été ajouté sur notre vitrine bien avant que la marque “Aurore Casanova” ne soit officiellement lancée. À l’époque, nous avions simplement souhaité faire plaisir à nos amis, Aurore et Jean-Baptiste, en incluant leurs deux noms dans un esprit de camaraderie. Jamais nous n’avons cherché à nuire ou à imposer quoi que ce soit.

Ce qui est frappant dans cet article, c’est l’absence totale de rigueur journalistique. À aucun moment l’auteure n’a pris la peine de vérifier ses allégations ou de nous contacter pour obtenir des explications. Au lieu de cela, elle a préféré distiller des accusations infondées et mensongères, transformant une situation innocente en une campagne diffamatoire contre nous.

Si l’auteure avait pris le temps de creuser un peu, elle aurait compris que nous n’avons jamais eu d’intention malveillante. Au lieu de cela, elle choisit de donner une leçon de morale sans se soucier de la vérité.

Nous réaffirmons notre soutien à Aurore et Jean-Baptiste et espérons que les lecteurs sauront faire la part des choses entre une attaque gratuite et la réalité.

Constant & Victor

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Dear Constant & Victor,

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my article. Before attacking my journalistic capacities, you may want to familiarize yourself with the different types of journalistic pieces. This clearly was an opinion piece which the Oxford Dictionary defines as “an article in which the writer expresses their personal opinion, typically one which is controversial or provocative, about a particular issue or item of news."

However, now that I have enlightened you on the type of piece I wrote, let me prove my fact checking and journalistic capacities to you by refuting your justification of why you still display the incorrect. brand name on your restaurant window.

I met Aurore in 2014 when she dropped off several cases of Aurore Casanova Champagne - the BSA made at Palmer at that time - which was part of a consolidated order to Switzerland. However, since you accuse me of lying, let me add a few articles which clearly show the domain was created well before 2018 - when you - according to your own writing opted to not add Aurore Casanova but the Casanova-Robinet to your window and wine lists. The first piece of information comes from the Aurore Casanova website (https://aurorecasanova.com/) which clearly states: "Le Domaine Aurore CASANOVA, respectueux de l’environnement et de toute forme de vie a été créé en 2013 par Aurore et Jean-Baptiste." The second is an article published by La Champagne Viticole in 2015 about her original path from dancer to winemaker. The article speaks about la Maison Aurore Casanova (https://lachampagneviticole.fr/aurore-casanova-rentre-dans-le-rang/).

This clearly shows that in 2018 - the brand Aurore Casanova was well established and that your claim stating : Contrairement aux accusations sans fondement de l’auteure, le nom “Casanova-Robinet” avait été ajouté sur notre vitrine bien avant que la marque “Aurore Casanova” ne soit officiellement lancée." is false. The name was put on the window in 2018 - seeing this is when the restaurant opened. In case you forgot, please see the following article talking about the new restaurant Sacre Bistro (https://www.lhebdoduvendredi.com/article/31860/le-bistro-cest-sacre).

The above proves you had no desire to display the correct name for the brand Aurore Casanova , which had been a brand for the last 5 years on your restaurant window, but that instead you opted for Casanova-Robinet - an unexisting brand but that you liked better…

Moreover, the picture of the online wine list in my article was taken on the 23 rd May this year , and it clearly shows the brands displayed as Casanova-Robinet - which again clearly shows your desire to misrepresent the brand. No-one will believe that by that time you had not noticed the label clearly mentioned Aurore Casanova and not Casanova-Robinet.

Instead of writing long false comments on here, the most noble thing to do is to change the window in the restaurant to the correct name, especially since depicting the wrong brand name is considered fraudulent misrepresentation by the DGCCRF. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions - opting to deliberately advertise the Aurore Casanova wines under Casanova-Robinet for the last 6 years - say all that needs to be said.


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Are you looking at yourself ? With your hysterical battles ?!

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Sep 9Liked by Caroline Henry

Oh look ! Someone’s had their feathers ruffled !! Scroll on past !

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Do not worry Leah, I think it's one of the two sexists who indeed hs his feathered ruffled - but in typical bully style they have commented on a fake count- the power of trolling is very alluring for the weak ;-)

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I agree ! Keep doing your amazing work ! 🥰

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